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About Us

We started as a coven. A group of people drawn together by their common interest in the esoteric and bonded by the disconnect we felt from the majority in the astrology community. As our group grew, we often discussed starting our own business and many ideas were tossed around. We considered astrology, music, art, Kemetic history, tarot, the occult, and a host of other areas. Even with what seemed like a million different ideas and approaches, there was always one common thread - refocus on supporting the melanated community, so that became...

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Our Mission

To highlight members of the melanated community and provide a safe space for black and minority-owned small businesses, their patrons, and supporters to express themselves freely through networking and the exchange of ideas.

Happy Couple

Our Vision

The rebirth of ethnic and ethical pride in ourselves and identities as a people demonstrated by active participation, contribution, and support of black and minority-owned businesses.

Happy Couple
Happy Senior Couple

Our Promise



To provide our members with a space where they will always feel heard and accepted. To keep as much of the black dollar as possible within our community. To promote spiritual, mental, emotional, and financial growth and support to those who are in most need.


Our journey is just getting started, but there is so much more on the horizon. We invite you to embark with us. Welcome to our family. 



Welcome to The Black Rising Collective!

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